Our Mission Statement
The mission of the Congregation of Good Hope Lutheran Church is to inspire faith in our risen Lord and Savior, in whom we have the blessed assurance of redemption and the hope of eternal life. In His missionary love, God gathers His people, The Church. Because of our love for God, we as faithful servants are willing to carry out God’s will by offering love, care, fellowship and forgiveness to all who do truly repent by:
- Providing opportunities for worship, training and education to all
- Reaching out into our community with a special commitment to God’s word
Good Hope has a mission to perform in this world and is alive only when we fulfill God’s calling.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sunday School – 9:15 a.m.
Senior Choir Practice – 9:30 a.m.
Worship – 10:30 a.m. (Holy Communion)
Coffee Fellowship
Everyone is invited to coffee fellowship in the chapel before worship.
February Worship Stewardship
February Ushers: Mark and Brenda Heesch, Jim Mayland,
February Acolytes: Rowan Welhousen
February Jr. Ushers: Remy Welhousen, Michael Smidt
Reminder: TBC Digital TV Customers can watch Good Hope Services On Demand. Press the “ON DEMAND” button on your remote
Photo Gallery
Photo Gallery
Students have fun in Bible Skills and Games as they do activities to help reinforce the Bible Story.
Listening to the Easter Story with our Spectacular Spectacles. We used them in the Dazzling Discovery Station.
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